Throwing Myself Out There

....this is scary.
I've always been a writer but I've usually only ever shared my writings with teachers and friends.
I'm sure you're all a nice bunch of people (pleasure to meet you by the way) but I am absolutely positively 100% terrified of the idea that anything I write out here is going to be available for the entire world to see...
Even worse...the entire internet!

I've been alive for 23 years now and roughly 19 of those have been spent getting myself well acquainted with the world of computers. Of those 19, I have spent roughly 15 learning everything there is to learn about the internet and how it works. I have seen things that no sane person should ever have to see and read things so scathing that they would make the toughest of drill sergeants cry for days. This place, as wondrous and magical as it can be, is the scariest place on Earth and it's not even a real place!

Unfortunately, I know that as a writer, I will never get anywhere if I keep what I have to offer to myself. That is why I am throwing myself out there: I'll be blogging and reviewing daily from now on, maybe even writing a story or two while I'm at it.

I'm sure that you guys are only going to be critical when you need to be, generally respectable and what not, but I'll be hiding in my e-bunker just in case.

Nice meeting all of you though!
September 19th, 2012 at 06:09pm