An Introduction?

I don't know what brought me back here. (Yes I do, I remembered that I enjoyed writing and I needed an excuse to make a new account after two years.)
I used to write poetry, though it was never any good. I'm not being modest, at all. I was proud of a few poems (not proud enough to repost them here), and the concepts for some were nice, but I was not good at writing. In two years, I haven't exactly improved. I want to, though. I guess that's a start.

I don't know what else to say, honestly. I want to write comics when I'm older, but I really cant picture myself being good at drawing or writing ever. I feel like I've been doing absolutely nothing with my life (mid-teenage crisis?) and it's driving me insane and making me feel horrible. I don't know why I'm typing all this, and I sort of hope nobody reads this, but I also sort of hope somebody skims it.

So, if anyone is reading this, hi. I'm 15, I like comics, some BBC shows, miscellaneous rock/alternative bands, other miscellaneous bands, drawing, and making up stories in my head that I'll probably never do anything with.

And, my name is Spencer, by the way.
September 19th, 2012 at 10:04pm