31 Day Writing Challenge... #23 - What is in a Name

23. Are the names of your character's important?

As I said before the names in the story where meant to sound or look the same as the characters in Jane Austen's pride and prejudice, while still being able to figure out or connect to my character is. Here is the full list that I can remember.

Characters From Jane -To- Me :

Elizabeth Bennet -Me
Mr. Darcy - Damin Perry*
Jane Bennet - Katy Carter *^
Charles Bingley - Shawn Bireland*^
Mr. Wickham - John, f*ck you. ^
Lydia Bennet - Kellie ^
Catherine (Kitty) Bennet - Amanda F.^
Mary Bennet - Amanda B.^
Mr. Collins - Matt Collins ^
Charlotte Lucas - Jemi*^
Caroline Bingley - Cassie
Lady Catherine de Bourgh -Guidace Consulor.
Miss de Bourgh - Princble, basically useless
Colonel Fitzwilliam - Will Castillo*^

Key Notes :
^ - Means that it was there really names neither in whole or one part of it.
* - Means that I am still friends with them.

I left out the name I forgot or really didn't matter. A few people I didn't talk about were my backstabbing ass ex friends. I know as you are looking at this your like damn did she hide any of the names. I did some but didn't care about others. I guess that's how I got caught. Well, that all I can say about the names. The where all special in one way or another because of that roles there characters played in both stories.

Sunday, ‎September ‎23, ‎2012
September 24th, 2012 at 06:26am