My Epic Failure

Hi guys!

Ok so, if you are unaware, I decided a few days ago, maybe even a week ago now (honestly not sure) that I was going to be posting on here daily as both a blogger and a movie reviewer, writing a random review of a movie every day.

UNFORTUNATELY, the one thing I forgot to think about when I made this decision is that I have a life outside of the internet. I got excited about the idea, though "Hey, that sounds like fun!" and failed to think about the fact that things may get in the way of my decision.

Therefore, I am unfortunately going to only post reviews when I can as opposed to every day. It's still hopefully going to be pretty often but it's going to be pretty random as well as I'll never be certain when I can and cannot do it. If it were up to me, I would be watching a new movie every day and writing about it because those are my two biggest passions, cinema and writing, but unfortunately I don't believe that's possible.

So with two whole reviews under my belt, and a third POSSIBLY coming later today, I am officially calling this experiment a partial failure. times...
September 25th, 2012 at 07:48pm