There's a Storm Coming...

...Mr. Wayne...better...batten down the hatches...
*is shot*

But, seriously, sorry about being so slow on updating "Concerning", guys, I'm trying but, I've got that awful writer's block again!

However, I do have some lovely news!

I've been working on an original story in my spare time, entitled "Fortuna"
It's that one mermaid story I was talking about awhile ago n_n Anyway, to make up for lack of "Concerning", I'm going to start posting that, as soon as I patch it up, and such *nods*

Once again though, I really am sorry for taking so long...I just want my story to be the best it can be, you know? I don't want it to just be another run-of-the-mill OC, AU ending, fic...I want it to be special, I want people to read it and say "Hey, that was pretty good. Not a masterpiece but, you know what, I'd read it again..." or, at the very least "Not bad..."

hm...maybe I just have my hopes up...

But, the point is, I just want to make something really good for all of the people who actually take a few minutes out of their day to sit down and read it. I want it to be special for you guys.

There's a teacher at my school, who always says to "Strive to be excellent" and, I want to do just that. I want to thank the people who've commented, the people who've subscribed, and the people who just skim over the first few pages or so just to get a little taste.

I want this to be excellent for you guys.

So...thanks, really.

I'm going to try my very best to get the highest quality out the most efficiently, m'kay?

Expect there to be more chapters eventually, and for a new story to arrive!

Finally, once more...

thanks, everybody.

Danke, merci, grazie, arigato, spasibo, gracias, xiexie, takk, gratias ago vos, and most of all...

Thank you.
Thank you so very, very much.
September 26th, 2012 at 05:46am