Complicated & Carry On

Perhaps not so much but at the moment things seem to be that way. The starting of this week and two days from last week were the most happiest days I had at school, and that brightens my day a lot. Everything seems to go just fine except for one thing...I'll talk about that last though.

My boys new song 'Carry On' is fucking great! It's too addicting and I can't seem to stop listening to it. It has this really catchy chorus and just the whole frigging song is catchy. I've been waiting for so long to hear them again! They blew me away. The only thing that bothers the fucking hell out of me is how some of that fans diss the song and make comparisons between Jimmy and Arin, and some other bull. It's annoying the hell out of me. People if you don't like the song don't listen to it. Simple as that, done, finished, over. And this whole making comparisons between Jimmy and Arin irritates me a lot. Arin is only twenty four, kid's barely starting his life. He's also not permanent, the boys haven't said anything about so. And he's also not trying to replace Jimmy. Guys, we've been through this: no one can replace the Jim! He's an unique individual and no one can replace the master. So just stop there and enjoy the song. Another thing, and this was just stupid: when I was hearing the song in YouTube during school I read a few of the comments: a few of them being about how Matt's voice is crap and bull like that. Come on! Seriously. God, just shut the eff up already. His voice is amazing, seriously I love his voice in this song it was...eargasmic I guess that's a word, but still you have a problem with his voice keep it to yourself. Simple. Overall, the song was beautiful, perfection and I can't wait for a new album, they sound great and I can't contain my emotions. But please, stop it with the frigging bull!!

Now to talk about that complicated thing: if I say crushes are stupid, I am right. They make me feel retarded, especially with this kid. He's a freshman, and well I just started talking to him this year. He's in four of my classes and he's so much fun to be around and talk to. During algebra he's also making me laugh and stealing my stuff. Like for example he's kept my earphones two times already for four days in total, took my iPod, my food, my jacket and some other stuff. Hell me myself I don't let him get away with it, I mess with him too, haha. But yes, this particular 'crush' is different then the others— way too different. God, I don't even know why. He's too cute and his personality just completes my perfect man— or almost haha. Now even though kid is single, I am afraid to make a move. I don't ever make a move so its difficult and expressing my feelings is too. The thing that has me bothered is that I think he may like someone else, and I haven't experienced real jealousy until now, which is rare. And I feel all weird and it's horrible. I'm so afraid to make a move because I know him quite a little bit well but I just want to learn more, ya know? I just...ugh too difficult. But yeah well I'll continue to keep in conversation, weird conversation with him during all the classes I have with him, but well then we'll see what happens.

September 26th, 2012 at 06:04am