To skip or not to skip....that is the question! hahah, I'm skipping (;

So I;m thinking about skipping math class.

Just because I don't want to go.

I mean last class of the day, and I'm tired and have a butt-load of homework for my writing class and all.

Is that bad? It's only pre-college math. I took Calculus last year and were doing the same shit. I mean I paid $250 for this course and I want to skip. I would be sinking into society's view of teenagers... "skipping class and getting drunk" except I won't be getting drunk, I think I'll just go home and read a book, maybe eat popcorn and watch a movie before start writing my research paper....

I don't know...I might stay. I do get my test back and hey I think I passed, but on the off chance I didn't I might not go just to say "HEY! I SKIPPED"

Does that make me a bad student?

Nahhhhh, I think I am pretty good, I just don't want to go because it's boring. truly. Should I leave my sacred corner in the library among the clicking of keyboards and shuffling of book pages and notebook papers to sit in a cold boring room with 25 other kids in my same situation?

Probably, but I'm not,

Catcha tomorrow kids <3
September 26th, 2012 at 10:09pm