WITTY ME!: Also known as the life of Madam Nixie(A.K.A me!) 9/27/2012

Sept 27, 2012 Thursday
So today's gone pretty well. I hung out with my friends and we all went to get ice cream at my work, then had a contest on who could finish theirs fastest. ( Also these cones were like a foot high because my bosses know I can down an iecream cone in like sixty secondsXD) Needless to say I won, also with the biggest cone. Not sure what to think of that lol.
I am tired as all get out but I must not sleep because tomorrow is my brothers birthday and I must wake him up at twelve AM and sing him happy birthday! (A tradition me and my sister insisted on starting last month for my other brothers birthday.) He is super excited because it is his eighteenth birthday and makes him offically an adult... One more year and that'll be me.... I am petrified.
I have loved my child hood, and I have savored it with patience because I do not want to grow up too fast. I know lifes a bitch and I'd prefer to avoid starting off on my own as long as possible, well until I actually get into college that is. Just thinking about that year left scares me, but excites me all in the same. What happens when I graduate? Should I move out or stay in my parent's house just a tad bit longer? Should I agree with Sandman an move in with him or get my own bachlorette pad with my sis Suga C? So many questions and no answer.... Lovely!
Some would think I am being petty about my delema but I honestly am so freaked out about turning eighteen, I mean who's going to stop me from doing stupid stuff so I can stop my sister from doing it?
No one! That is bad! Heeeelp!
Anyways besides my over growing fears I have had a great week, besides being grounded from my phone I have been just focusing on getting through school, and not dying in the process. Lol
Dear Mommy dearest,
If you find me dead next to my stack of school books it is due to the fact I died of overwhelming knowledge.
Your exploded brain daughter
Too much? Wait I think it could use a bit of tears, and I love you's! :p Just kidding mommy I won't bring you to thatXD
So yeah it's been a pretty hectic week and I am surviving but I could use a bit of monster if anyone is willing to donate to the pimp a ho foundation?:D Jk lol. Well that's all I have to say for one day so Peaceout future pimpers,

With strength and care,
Madam Nixie

Maybe I should write that letter??!
September 27th, 2012 at 07:01pm