Story Review in Mibba Magazine + Beta Reader + Questions About Writing

My story, Beginning of the End, got reviewed in Mibba Magazine.

Click here to read it. [There is a link to the story in the article.]

Being the uber dork that I am, I got all exited about it. Yes, I said uber dork. I'm pretty sure I just made that up, but that just proves my point, right?

Anyway, I'm super easy to flatter, so I pretty much loved this.


Uber dork.

Anyway, I'm currently working on the next chapter. I have been for about a week now, off and on, and it is absolutely killing me. When I first started writing this, the chapters just flew out. After the third chapter though, my muse just kind of, well - it ran away. That's basically my way of saying I had a massive brain fart.

I'm at just over a thousand words and I feel like the chapter is coming to a close already. I was so determined when I started this to make the chapters longer than in the past.

Epic. Fail.

I really should stick to writing drabbles and one shots. They're so much more convenient. Speaking of which, I have an idea for a one shot that ties in with a drabble I posted a few years ago. It would sort of be like an extended, more action-filled version of the story. Meh, I don't know if I will ever get around to writing it.

Anyway, I do need a beta reader. PM me if you're available.

Questions (cause I'm bored):

1.) Do you prefer writing chaptered stories or drabbles/one shots?
2.) How often do you update chaptered stories?
3.) How long are the chapters, on average?
4.) What genre(s) do you mostly write?
5.) Do you post on any other websites? If so, feel free to share the websites? I need more places to post/read stories.
6.) Got anything you'd like me to read? (I am not into slash or femslash, sorry.) On or off site is fine.
September 28th, 2012 at 02:08am