Not That Anyone Cares, But..

Not that anyone cares, but I deleted Courage because nobody was reading it and I hated it. I might rewrite it and make it more about her dealing with the cancer and less about her and Blake, but I'm not sure. It might go on the "Failed Attempts" shelf.
For those of you who do care, I do plan on publishing a new Blake Gideon story set in 2008. So look out for that. It should be good.

What is this "too short" bull? I have to have at least 100 words? That's...weird to say the least. I’m not sure how much I like that. First, I have to tell y’all somehow that I deleted the story, but I can’t tell y’all with a chapter. But then I need a minimum of 100 words? Weird. I’m not complaining, I love Mibba! But it’s…weird!
September 29th, 2012 at 01:47am