I have a rant about my sisters boss

Today my sister had to go into her job at 4:30 in the morning running a temp of 101. Her boss, wouldnt let her stay home because he has "trust issues" and its because it's festival and she "lied" to him before. Okay, fucking ass hole. My sister had the day of Warped off and she was surprised with the ticket from my mom. And you wanted her to work and she was already in fucking Noblesville. okay and now she's fucking sick and you're going to make her work. Just because you've never missed a day in 5 years doesnt mean Jessica has to okay. grow up and let her stay home because she's sick o.e

p.s. does anyone know Burger King's corporate number??

P.S.S 10 days until All Time Low's new cd "Dont Panic" is released :) Mine's already paid for because preorder
September 29th, 2012 at 02:49pm