Vampire Academy is LIKE the BEST series EVER!!!!!

Hey Mibbians,
So I haven't really been on my game when it comes to writing... Due to school? Due to writers block? Due to loss in interest? I'm not sure. Maybe it's a combo of all three. As you know many people do things to get out of their writing stupor. It could be by listening to music. Going for a run. Watching movies... pretty much anything to get you inspired to write again. So I decided to start reading again. I use to be an avid reader like no other!! I swear the whole Barnes&Noble Young Adult Fiction aisle is in my closet!! I didn't really know what to read and I asked my friend, because she is a reading maniac and she bought me Vampire Academy. Well I'd seen the books, but I was a little weary. I was just kind of over the vampire scene and the plot seemed weird to me... I don't know... and I wasn't going to read. At least for now... I was more in the mood for a Sarah Dessen novel. Maybe Nicholas Sparks. No fiction for me. Now I don't know if my friends constant txts asking if I'd read VA got me into it or if I just decided on my own to read it, but I did.

And let me tell you I started like two weeks and I just finished the fifth book!!!!!!! And I swear it gave me whiplash a few times. I was seriously yawning and about to fall asleep, considering it was like 2:00 in the morning, and when I read those last couple chapters I SHOT up so fast!!!! I was like "WHAT?????" Yeah. It was crazy. But if you haven't read these books and are thinking about possibly reading them.... DO IT. Get them!!! To those of you who have read VA and are fans or are in the middle of finishing them like me.... Aren't they amazing?? Rose is an amazing main character! She's strong and rebellious and not to mention hilarious!!!! When I was picking up these books I didn't think it would make me laugh like it did!! And Dimitri.... 'Nuf said(: You guys are probably sick of the 'team this' and 'team that' but I just got to know! Are you Team Dimitri or Team Adrian?!(: I like them both, but I'm a little biased toward Rose and Dimitri... Rosimtri? Dimrose? Dimza? Hmm... LOL. I can't wait to go get Last Sacrifice which is the LAST book!!!! :'( But I've been told it's the best book in the series and it ends perfectly so we'll see if I agree! So if you're interested in reading a new series get Vampire Academy. Your reading taste buds will be satisfied.

So these books have definitely got my writing bug back and I've got a million ideas for stories and with patience I hope to be constant with my other stories as well! I started a new story I was excited about! I wrote a little prelude and posted it, but my layout was messed up!! And I seriously don't know how to fix it!!!! I try and try and TRY and it still is weird!!!!! If you would read that would be awesome!! (Even if the layout is acting... strangely...) Anybody else having trouble with layouts or am I just special?? Lol. My new story is called 'Stranded'. Here's a quick summary....

'High school elite and Miami Beach Teen Surf Queen, Cherrie Wild, is stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere with her longtime lazy Australian angst-ridden skateboarding foe Duke Henderson. Now they must work together to survive and await rescue that may never come. How did they get there? It's a long story. A VERY long story....'

Yeah... so there's my summary(: I'm planning on it being an adventure-comedy. Two worst enemies trapped on a deserted island trying to decide who's more keen on survival... What could be more laughable? And of course there'll be romance! it'll be typical, but it's gonna be a fun read(: Who knows maybe I'll have them find a treasure map of some sort(; haha Please read and comment! I LOVE feedback!

Besides VA... does anyone else have any good books they'd like to tell me about since I'm a book-addict now?! My friend has been finding some great ones on her nook for like $1!!

Anyways let me know what you think of VA! And my new story/layout problems and your favorite books!!! :D

P.S. Does anyone know anything about VA becoming movies? I heard there were rumors... but I'm not sure if it's happening anymore... But it would be AWESOME if they were, right?!(:
September 29th, 2012 at 05:27pm