o h m i g o d.

my fucking god. fuck me. in the ass. with a fucking rake. i can't even.

okay so before i explode..i was at my sisters soccer game being bored as fuck..so i called my friend down to hang out. for the sake of my safety and sanity lets call him Jac. so, Jac and i were just hanging out being the douchebags we normally are around each other. we here just bopping around the playground when i heard the whistle blow that signaled the end of the game. we finished our conversation and said our goodbyes. he smacked my ass like he normally does..but when i turned around to return it, he was right there..we kinda leaned in..and we kissed. I KNOW I KNOW AWWH AND STUFF. but no.. see, this girl i used to be friends with really likes him and i feel like shit. and plus i'm still technically sorta in a (failing) relationship. ..i hear no awwh's now..fuckers. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK AH. i used to like Jac a fuckload until this big thing happened last year and we had to stop talking. bdhsj fakjsd rvhsdg fuiehi what the fuck. i'm so frustrated. kill me so hard. he's texting me now.

dude oh my f u c k i n g god like ah. srsly. someone help.
October 1st, 2012 at 01:01am