College Roommate Drama.

Hello all! Long time no see, or is it write? Eh, I'm not even sure at this moment but I felt the need to update you all on what is going on in my life. I have been a college sophomore for over a month now! It's crazy to me at how fast time flies, especially when you are in college. So far I am enjoying myself a lot more than I was with my freshman year. I had so many problems with it, mainly with an absolutely terrible professor I had that liked to dig into my personal life and who acted highly unprofessional when it came to leaving comments on students' papers. Luckily, I will never ever have that professor again so all is good.

As you could probably tell from the title of this little update, I am having quite a few issues with my roommate situation. Let me begin by telling you who I am living with. This year I am living in an on campus apartment with twin sister and our best friend of over 10 years. Now, this "apartment" is a little different than most. Actually it is called an "apartment style dorm" but most people like to call it an apartment.


Well, this apartment is set up a little different than most apartments because it is a one bedroom and one bathroom apartment for three people. Honestly, it's not as bad as some may assume, but I have been having some issues lately. My best friend just recently started dating her boyfriend and by recently I mean less than a month ago. Things are going good, I don't really have any problems with the guy, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

Before my friend started dating this guy she was in a long distance relationship with this guy who moved to Montana for about two years. Things between them went sour and she started dating her current boyfriend. Well, this new guy has been overstepping boundaries you could say. I have absolutely no problem with him coming over, but he's been staying for almost eight hours at a time; till about midnight; and my friend doesn't even notify my sister and I that he is coming over. She tells us when other people are planning on coming over, but not him.

Now, my sister and I have talked to her about it and we told her that we have no ill feelings toward him, but just tell us when he is coming over and that him being here for eight plus hours on a school night is a little long. You may be wondering why this is such a big deal so I'll explain it. From the picture I provided above, you can see that there really is not much room in this apartment. It's really difficult to relax after a long day of classes when she and her boyfriend are making out on her bed while I am sitting two beds over trying to nap. Then, if I am in the bedroom working on homework, they are in the living area making out and I can't go out and get something to eat because they are making out right by the door. This goes on for eight hours at a time.

Now, after my sister and I talked to her about it she totally understood what we were going though and she started telling us when he was coming over. Unfortunately, her boyfriend took it as my sister and I never wanting him to come over anymore which is not the case and our friend even tried to explain that to him.

Well because of that situation she has been spending every moment with him at his apartment and completely neglecting her schoolwork, which does not bother me but now my friend has this habit of not doing any homework for herself and she just relies on my sister and I for the answers which we do not want to do.

Earlier today she skipped two classes because her back hurt and my sister and I went to them. Our friend brought her boyfriend over at around two this afternoon and when we got back from class around five thirty, all of the lights in the apartment were off and they were laying in bed together. Now, I have no idea what they were doing in the dark but it was incredibly awkward to walk in on.

It's almost eight and my sister and I haven't even got the chance to relax after class because they keep laying in the bedroom with the lights turned off and they keep watching movies. Usually by now I would be working on some sort of homework but I can't because all of my stuff is in the bedroom that they are currently occupying and I get extremely uncomfortable being around them when they are making out.

It just really irritates me because my sister and I have talked to her about this and she said she completely understood what was going on and how we felt. She's stopped telling us when he is coming over and how long he is planning on staying. I just want some private "me time" after I get done with a long day of classes and I haven't been able to get that for weeks now. Also, it is getting really old that she keeps blowing off plans that we have made because she stays out with him till four in the morning every night.
October 2nd, 2012 at 05:03am