Guess who's back? (back again-gain)

No, it isn't Eminem, don't get your hopes up. I think he has better things to do than make pointless blogs on Mibba about a load of absolute shit that no one cares about, don't you? However, I have all the time in the world.

But yes, I have my internet connection back again, I know you're all SO delighted. We moved house on Saturday, which was really long, and putting all my posters back up again was probably the worst experience of my life to date, and I've met JLS, so that is saying something. The new house is nice though, it's bigger than our old one, except for my room which is pretty tiny, but I think it's quite cosy in there. I don't spend much time in my room anyway, except when I sleep, because I really don't like my own company all that much.

Anyway. How have you all been? I've been ill. Ugh, it's the worst thing ever. I haven't been like, full-on ill, I've been the sort of ill where you just mope around feeling sorry for yourself all day, but really, you've just got a snotty nose and a bit of a cold. Yeah, that's me in a nutshell, really. Always feeling sorry for myself.

Oh, I also discovered that I have a frog living in my throat, which is...fantastic. Basically, it must've waited around in my room, stalking it's prey (me), then when I was asleep later that night, I must've been sleeping with my mouth open, because the little thing got down there! Now, I've had to eat lilly pads or whatever they're called, just so it feels a little comfortable and at home down there. It's really inconvenient.

Yeah, and I'm going to die. Right, I have, what I've nicknamed, 'poisonous-wrist-syndrome'. Yeah. Something has injected me with poison (probably the new neighbours, they were glaring at me earlier, like 'suffer, bitch, suffer') and my wrist was all swollen and there was this spot-looking thing on it, which when my sister tried to squeeze, just juiced out a load of shit (not literally) We later reached the conclusion that it was poison and I was going to die. Great.

I probably come across as a drama queen on here, but I swear I'm not...maybe. Oh, and I've created a new superhero...INDESTRUCTIBLE-FORCE MAN. There really needs to be any other words for that one, let's be honest here.

So, yeah...that's what you all missed, I guess. Aren't you glad to have me back? I'm glad to be back. I missed boring you all, so so much.
October 2nd, 2012 at 11:35pm