Mibba is absurdly-turdly cool.

Well hell-ooo there. How quaint of you to click on my slightly vulgar title. Honestly, I don't know how that popped into my head, because mibba is neither absurd or turdly.

WHAT IT IS however, is completely fantastic! Thank you saeglopur (a.k.a. Member 176256) for giving me the link to your awesome story, which led me to this site. You have now aided me in the development for my novel characters, due to the very lovely drop-down list under My/Stories. I now have character pictures! And last names! Truthfully, google and weheartit.com (EVERYDAY I'M TUMBLRING) were the biggest factors, but I wouldn't have even gone to them without the mibba prompt.

First, since I'm the analytical type, I'm going to try to figure out what the deal is with the name. Mibba? Is that like what came out an infant's mouth when he was trying to say "Momma" for the first time but choked on his own spit bubbles? If so, why is that the name for a CREATIVE WRITING SITE? Or is it like the nickname someone gave to their favorite bra but just decided to be lazy and leave the 'r' out? OR IS IT AN ACRONYM?

I GOT THIS I GOT THIS. Medieval....Ice-Breaking Bomb Arrangers? Making Irate Babies Burp Airplanes? Marching In Babylonian Bob's Army? Merchandise Is Breakable, Back Away? (-- that one is great, admit it) Many Icelandic Barbers Breathe Art? Miss Isabel Boiled Braniac Arm-wrestlers? Am I getting close? No? Oh well. The mystery lives on.

So, now that you're through reading all that clever crap, I'll introduce myself. I'm Amy Ems (THE ONLY EMS) and I'm a writer. (No derp, I'm on this site.) I'm working on a novel, but so far it's not up on mibba. It's 30k words long so far, and I've just realized that I've got a major flaw in my plot. Actually, many. So I'm doing that very not fun edit. Revision, actually. It'll probably take a while. Maybe then I'll put my novel up.

If anyone's curious, it's about a rainbow donkey named Marley who discovers he has the power to control the winds every time he farts. Upon this realization, he travels across the Very Thin Sea of Ice (after falling in a few times and getting saved by a giant vegitarian polar bear named Atticus) to reach the Queen of Afar (you know, that land where all the princes who say "I come from Afar!" come from) and present her with his gift. Which, sadly, reeks up the entire kingdom and severely displeases the Queen. So she throws him in the dungeon, where he meets a purple rat named Giovanni who swears that a fairy visits the dungeon every night at 3:27 a.m.

Not your type of story? Obviously not mine, either, because that's the part I'm stuck at.

JUST KIDDING. My novel is really about this girl named Cassidy Lancelow who discovers she has a stalker. And then she kind of accidentally falls in love with him, whilst swearing (has anyone realized that "whilst swearing" is a really hard phrase to say?) she hates him. Meanwhile she's trying to complete some really suspicious tasks assigned to her by a society called the Hatters, who keep very mum about their motives. If her world isn't wild enough, she's best friends with the school's heartthrob and the richest girl in town. Her boss wears his hair in purple spikes, her mom is a famous artist and super air-headed, and she's just ticked off the snobby Mathelete captain. Oh, and did I mention her drama teacher's name is Archibald? Yeah, I rather like that part.

RUN SMOOTH, coming soon to a creative writing website near you. But if you absolutely can't wait until then, it's at this link: http://figment.com/books/224840-Run-Smooth

Oh, crappulas. My rice krispies are soggy.

This is Ems, and this concludes my very long and random blog post. Over and out.
October 5th, 2012 at 05:44pm