October 5, 2012

Here we are at the beginning of October! So by the time this is published I’ll be finished my True Blood sequel. Second year is draining me of motivation to do anything in terms of writing (let’s not even talk about my uni readings…) so I apologize for my nonsense.

I’ve gotten a few messages asking if I’ll ever make a sequel to my Harry Potter story and as flattering as it is I sincerely doubt it. I mean, there’s always the possibility that in the future I’ll be compelled to but honestly I lost interest in that story and that’s why it took so damn long for me to finish. Sorry!

The good news is I’m going to start working on my John Blake one-shot so subscribe now if you want to read it when it’s finished :] I’ve got a lot of plans for it and I’m super excited so I really hope it turns out okay. Nothing else has changed in terms of the story line up but I promise to keep you posted in the event of any new developments.

On an unrelated note: The Killers’ new album Battle Born and Mumford & Sons new album Babel are absolutely brilliant if you’re looking for something new to listen to! I’m really happy with both records. Please feel free to message me any time :]

October 5th, 2012 at 10:47pm