My First Contest... Hope It Goes Well

So, I just created a contest in the Writing Contest section of the forums; I honestly don't know how well this will go but I am willing to give it a shot. So I will briefly tell a little about the contest and I hope that some of you get encouraged to join. Please?

The contest is just for the month of October, the winner(s) of the contest will be announced at the end of the month, October 31st, and will claim their prize. This is an open genre contest, so anything that can be written about may enter. It doesn't just have to be a story, poems are more than welcome to enter. All you have to do is reply to me (@ Billie J. Armstrong) to notify me that you wish to enter and I will do the rest. :)

I will post the link to the forum if you are interested in learning more about it, click it. This is a fairly new contest, I posted it today. It has all the detail you need to know there, if you want to know more then comment it or message me personally. :)

I hope this all goes well and that a few of you, if not many of you, will be encouraged to enter. The deadline is October 25th, just to let you all know.

Anyways, hope you can join, it'll be a fun one (I hope)!

Contest: Poem/Story Contest
October 6th, 2012 at 05:08am