"Sorry for your loss."

It's always so awkward telling friends that one of your loved ones passed away. You can basically assume that they're going automatically tell you that they're sorry for your loss, and then you're going to awkwardly say, "Thank you." And the conversation basically just ends there in silence and you feel like drowning in each other's awkwardness.

So to put it awkwardly, the best person in the whole world passed away yesterday. My grandpa. Yesterday was awful, and the sadness keeps coming in waves. I was so close to him and he treated me like I was his daughter. He'd drive across the whole world to do something for me. He'd be there for me in an instant. He was the best kind of grandpa that a granddaughter could ask for.

I'm in denial today though. I don't want to even think about the fact that he's never going to be here again; it drives me nuts. Looking at my grandma breaks my heart.

I guess there's no right or wrong way to deal with loss. I'm just glad I'm surrounded by people that love me and we're all sort of here for each other.

So if heaven does exist, or if he's looking down on me, I hope he can find happiness in the fact that I loved him with every fiber of my being.
October 7th, 2012 at 07:26pm