So, I heard on the news the other day that a Pakastani girl was shot.

For wanting to get a higher education and stuff. She'd done an interview about it, and she'd written it about it in her diary. But the government there doesn't want women doing anything outside of the home. So yesterday, they waited outside her school and shot her. FREAKING SHOT HER. In the head and in the neck. And they said they'd been waiting to kill her for a year now. She's alive, and she might make it, but the doctors say she probably won't be able to speak. STUPID FLIPPING SEXISTS! It absolutely ENRAGES me when people treat women like dirt! I feel like blowing up those stupid JERKS!

*takes deep breaths* I hope I don't offend anyone, but honestly, to be offended by this would be ridiculous. I understand that the biblical chain of authority is God, Man, and then Woman. But that doesn't mean women can't be teachers and artists and bankers and harpies, even firemen. That doesn't mean you should freaking shoot someone because they have dreams. All it means is that the man should rule the home. Truthfully, I think that if he sets up rules like that crap, he shouldn't even be allowed to. Think of all the women over there, miserable and fed up with being pushed around. It makes me want to just go and start a revolution. But you know the sad thing? I bet they'd all be too afraid to join it. That's messed up.

And I know the Taliban don't follow the Bible. I don't know what kind of religion they have over there, or if they even have one. I just know that a law permitting women from doing anything other than being a wife and making babies is wrong. We should be able to live our own lives. Have our own hearts.

I'm disgusted by this world.
October 11th, 2012 at 12:09am