It's like waiting on a baby to be born / Chemical Burns


So this is my litle boy I just adopted off Petfinder and through Rat Chick Rat Rescue and Advocacy Group. Right now he's still with his foster dad who we'll call Mitch. My little boy's name is Sebastian, though I think I'll call him by Seba most of the time.

The past two days, I've been digging through the garage for the cage and supplies, disinfecting and cleaning and sanitizing, and slaving over my sewing machine to make him a cage cover and hammocks. My mom's been saying it sounds more like a baby I'm waiting for instead of a rat. And the fact I'm referencing to him as my little boy doesn't help either.

I just hope Mitch emails me back soonm with a time to come get him. Tuesday's the day.


Yesterday, I got this wicked chemical burn RIGHT BETWEEN MY FINGERS. Yup. Anywhere else on my hand and it wouldn't have been as bad, but nope. There's blisters that were the size and density of marbles. I've drained them 3 times today already. I can't stand it.
October 12th, 2012 at 01:56am