Thursday. Mr. Burroughs. Random Other Shiz

Well, It's Thursday. Isn't that just dandy, I realized that people actually read my blog, considering somehow Mr. Burroughs (My English Teacher) found one.
(His advice still didn't work.)
I've considered all the things that could go wrong, and most of them aren't all too bad.
Who am I kidding.
The worst that could go wrong is having about ...half of my friends hate me.(Which is like four people)
So, yeah.
So a gay man and I wore the same pants.
Le gasp.
I though he might beat me up.
Jk. But we did. and I pointed it out and It was funny. He wanted to buy my gay pride flag of of me. I thought it was funny.
**Note for certain people who might read this
Mr. Burroughs - First of all. You-z a creep c: Oh, and I would also like to point out the fact that my hair is very superior to yours. And, that's dirty. By the way, did YOU GRADE KAITLYN'S PAPER? c:
Kaitlyn - Y U NO REPLY TO MY TEXTS (textticles.)
Isabella - lol@whoyou'redating
Me - I'm not sure why I'd read my own blog but hi i love you. can we have babehs naoii
October 12th, 2012 at 04:07am