I've never been so excited to be done with school.

Should I straighten my hair? I'm going to a party (haha, overstatement) tonight and I'm really pumped. One of those s'mores + Monsters + volleyball + Dutch Blitz (best game ever, by the way) + singing (the loud, crazy kind) + Catch Phrase + sleepover kinds of parties. And sleepover, of course, means blind makeovers + getting high on laughter + midnight snacks + mad libs + Truth + dumb hairstyles + pictures. Oh yes, I am looking forward to tonight.

This is also the shortest blog I have ever done, so I'm going to tack on some of my favorite quotes for length.

"Why are you trying so hard to fit in, when you were born to stand out?"
---What a Girl Wants

"Being an artist means ceasing to take seriously that very serious person we are when we are not an artist."
---Jose Ortega y Gasset

"Nothing succeeds like success."
---Alexandre Dumas

"In order to truly hate someone, you must have first loved them."
---Maekir Vilemist (figment.com user)

"I came, I saw, I conquered, I did a stupid victory dance."
---Indigo Crow (figment.com user)

"Don't stroke a draconic ego-- you'll lose your finger in doing so."
---Indigo Crow (figment.com user)

"Words weren't made to make sense. Words were made to make you feel something, and feeling don't always make sense."
---Lillian Peake

"A writer needs self confidence, braggadocio, vanity, whether s/he's good or not. You MUST have ego, you MUST toot your own horn, you MUST believe you are the greatest thing since Creation.
Listen to me: fear nothing. Never take no for an answer. Accept no unhelpful criticism. Never give up. Never surrender the stinkin ship."
--Jeffrey A. Freidberg (The Seven Pillars of Writing: A Crash Course)

"Sanity? I don't remember having anything so useless."

"Every creative event that ever happened in the world was an interruption. Unexpected. Unplanned for. The only people who ever get anyplace interesting are the people who get lost.
--Henry David Thoreau (The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail)

"I want you to be yourself--not your idea of what you think is somebody else's idea of yourself."
--Henry David Thoreau (The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail)

"I tried to escape. But escape is like sleep. And when sleep is permanent, it's death."
--Henry David Thoreau (The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail)

Henry: "Didn't you notice that day in Heywood's Meadow--when he proposed to you?
Ellen: "He barely spoke to me."
Henry: "That's why you didn't hear him. You missed the eloquence of his silence."
(The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail)

"If you are a truly creative person, you know that feeling insecure and lonely is par for the course. You can't have it both ways. You can't be creative, and conform too. You have to recognize that what makes you different also makes you creative."
--Arno Penzias

"Don't chase rabbits in your writing. Be like a Hunter with a rifle, not a shotgunner. Remember a shotgunner aims in the general direction of the target and then fires, hoping the buckshot will hit something. The rifleman aims at one single target and hits the most vulnerable spot."
--Claude C. Cox

"You have two hats, an editorial hat and a writer hat, and you should only wear one of those hats at a time."
--Stephen King (On Writing)

"I feel angry. I feel hurt. How do I feel? I feel like someone has zipped me open and grabbed out my heart and said, Well you won't need that anymore. I feel like I can't feel anymore. Like I'm walking and talking and sometimes even laughing, but inside I'm still and watching to see if I'm fooling anyone. Like I'm shoving food down my throat, but there's no taste. Like I'm screaming, but there is no sound."
--Karen Tayleur (Chasing Boys)

"What's past is prologue, and the world awaits."
--Lisa Mantchev (Eyes Like Stars)

"The Curse of Forgetting. The heart opens and then it breaks and then it heals up like a gash in the skin, so completely you might remember there had once been a sensitivity, a feeling, but now there is nothing, smooth territory. Ready to be broken again as if for the first time. The flip side of that is that it is possible to be made whole again even after you are broken wide open. The curse is also the ability."
--Dakota Lane (The Orpheus Obsession)

"Though she be but little, she is fierce."
--William Shakespeare (A Midsummer Night's Dream)

"Love looks not with the Eyes, but with the Mind: And therefore is wing'd Cupid painted Blind. Nor hath Love's Mind of any judgement taste: Wings and no Eyes figure unheedy Haste. And therefore is Love said to be a Child: Because in Choice he is so oft beguil'd. As waggish Boys in game themselves forswear, So the boy Love is perjur'd everywhere."
--William Shakespeare (A Midsummer Night's Dream)

Ems is going to put on some eyeliner and do her hair now. Ta-ta.
October 12th, 2012 at 10:00pm