New Everything. // Would You Read This? [Mary Sues] // Questions & Story Recs.

New everything?

Well, okay, that's stretching the truth. In reality I posted three pictures that are... rather old than new (except for one), reused an old theme and changed my blog layout.

I just wanted change because everything has been the same since forever. It makes me feel a little accomplished, even though I'm aware that it's a false sense considering it's all, in a way, second-hand. XD

Would you read this?

This leads me to my new story idea. It came to me randomly the other day and it's unlike what I usually write. I normally write horror, but this is far from it.


A young writer, perhaps just out of college, is working on her first novel. Her friend and editor tells her, in no simpler terms, that her lead character is very "Mary Sue", which leaves her irritated and insulted. The next day, she wakes up and she is her character and, being the Mary Sue that she most certainly wrote, hilarity ensues. She runs into her other characters, tries to change the plot, etc. as she struggles to figure a way out of the situation.

It'd be a comedy/romance deal. I'm really into the idea and wondering if you, dear Mibbians, would be interested?


1.) Would you be interested in aforementioned story?
2.) How often do you write new stories?
3.) What genre(s) do you read the most online?
4.) Recommend me some stories?
October 13th, 2012 at 01:07am