I was given seventeen months to live: Part 2

Hi! How are all of you doing on this fine lovely evening? I would like to let you know I am laying in my bed in a pair of monkey feetie pajamas that my Aunt and Uncle sent me from California.
Yes. I am eighteen years old. (:
I am going to continue from where I left on my last blog. I have a feeling it will all be story tonight again and background and I won't be able to let you all know my deepest darkest feelings just yet.
Well, after all that I went in after four months for a check up. They did an MRI and the doctors called us into the office to tell us the results were inconclusive and that there was a change, but because they used a higher power machine this time, it was impossible to compare the MRI scan from before and say whether it was the cancer progressing or not. We were to wait two months for the next scan and see if the spot had grown or not.
My headaches started to become daily and my left peripheral was growing weird. I called my friend, but more than a friend, who is now my boyfriend and told him that I was going to make a visit up to see him for a weekend in college, a visit to my best friend, see my cousin, and do a few other things before letting anyone else know. He told me I should tell my parents atleast because it is their job to worry and it could be serious. It was the push I needed so the next day I told my mom and she called the doctors. They wanted a scan immediately.
So, instead of two months later, we went in less than a month later and got a new MRI done. After the radiologist looked over it, the doctor called my family in immediately to let us know that it had progressed in the about three weeks from the scan before and we needed to take action.
Brain surgery: Round Three
This time the doctor was talking more about other methods of chemo and kept using the words clinical trials. We knew it wasn't good. They did say that they were expecting this to happen earlier though and I was lucky to have a good year and a half with such a high grade of cancer.
I got brain surgery again on September eighteenth, 2012. Instead of taking away part of my left peripheral, this one took away all of it, which sucks. This means I will probably never be able to legally drive again. Notice I put the word legally in there. (:
My head started to leak again so we drove three hours to the emergency room where Sam, a really really super cute doctor, put in a few extra staples, admitted me to a room, and I left after a couple of days of my head not leaking. I was home on the phone with Cameron at about two in the morning when I realized my head felt wet.
I was leaking again.
After talking for a bit more, I went into my mom's room and let her know what was going on. We left for the hospital at about four in the morning or so. By the time we got there, my hair was soaked and the pillow I was using was too. Disgusting right?
My own personal doctor was still on vacation so we had to talk to a different doctor. He said that he would rather have my own personal doctor look at this if we were going to do reconstructive surgery to repair the leaking because he would know the least intrusive way to get inside my head. He had seen it before and knoew my history, while this new doctor didn't. I ended up getting the surgery a day later after he talked to my actual doctor and I was admitted to a room. I was in the hospital for about ten days with a brain drain that made sure my wound had time to heal and that the spinal fluid wouldn't build up under it and start to leak. It wasn't bad because my now boyfriend, went to college in the same town and I got to see him almost everyday. It sucked being hooked up to the brain drain though and IV poles because we couldn't really do much(not just in that way either, you weirdos).
The doctors called my mom and my mom called me while I was sitting down at dinner with my dad. The tumor had progressed to grade four and there were two spots that were actually both grade four. This mean I had to go through chemo again. While on my last chemo, I became allergic so now they are talking Avastin which can cause brain bleeds and strokes and extreme bowel issues and things. It sounds scary. They gave me seventeen months to live.
I know that is just a number though and I know that it may not be. I am just praying God wants me to beone of his miracles.

I want you all to know I am not trying to write out my sob story here. I am just "getting it all down on paper so it's no longer inside of me threatening the life it belongs to" Breathe-Anna Nalick All of this stuff that seems sad and horrible to you is just my normal life now. I will write about more normal life things though next time.

Goodnight! Have fabulous dreams.
October 13th, 2012 at 05:37am