why don't you give your tiara a rest before you dent it with your ego

Got my cartilage pierced yesterday and everyone told me that it was really painful to get it done, but it barely hurt at all. However it's really sore now and I got it on my right side... and I like to sleep on my right side so I don't even know now.

Anyways, do you ever meet a person, and even though you're both perfectly nice and polite to one another that you get the feeling that they don't like you? Or vice versa?

There's this guy who is in this group of freshmen that they put us in at the beginning of the semester, so he's in a lot of my classes. He seems to like most of the students in this little 'group' just fine except for me. I don't know why. It's not even that he outright is rude or anything, but it's more like he just gets this princess attitude.

Makes me so mad.

Nothing pisses me off more than when people talk over me.

It is literally one of the things that will send me into bitch-mode like nothing else. I can't even explain why other than how rude it comes off as.

But he does this thing where if your talking, he will feel the need to "mutter" under his breath about how ridiculous the things you're saying are, or he will roll his eyes and not pay attention to when you're speaking directly to him.

Or he will just start talking over you as if what you have to say is so ridiculous and stupid and he must deign to grace you with his divine opinion.

ooooh, it just, like I want to just look at him and ask him to let his tiara rest for a few minutes lest he dent it with his ego.

I'm not saying that he has to be my friend, I mean, I can understand that even if I wish he would be more friendly to me, but that's his right. However his attitude is so awful, but he owns it.

He tells everyone what a diva he is and that everyone should just get over it, and so for some reason because he has told everyone that he is a diva, everyone does just get over it.

As if just saying it makes it any less rude.

"I'm a bitch and I do shitty stuff haha! Oh well!"
"I've recently come out of the closet as a kleptomaniac, sucks to suck lol!"
"I lick all of the forks in the Caf, just get over it."

October 15th, 2012 at 04:20am