A caffeinated Ems is a happy Ems!

Or am I high on the essence of night? Possible causes for my INSANE adrenaline rush:
1. over-sugared coffee (but that was hours ago and it wouldn't make sense to kick in only now)
2. seeing my childhood bff (LOVE THAT KID), and playing football with him, and persuading him to come see me on Friday
3. the weather (IT'S THE PERFECT TEMP ((cold)) AND IT'S DARK OUTSIDE)
4. no really, it has to be one of the first three.

Things adrenaline rushes do to Ems:
1. make her sing really loudly and beautifully, if she must say so herself
2. make her extremities shake uncontrollably (she'd be a great masseuse)
3. make her talk really fast and slur almost all of her words
4. speed up her brain functionality (she can sight-read her piano music in the speed of light)
5. make her laugh and smile a lot
6. make her think and talk about a million things at once
7. make her typo quite a lot more than normal
8. expand her natural awesomeness (she, in all her 4'11''ness, spanked about 20 guys + 3 or so girls ((ages 10-19)) in a game of Knockout on an adrenaline high one time).

Making lists is a part of Ems that comes out sometimes when she's too excited or lazy to write complete sentences.

Talking in third person is a part of Ems that comes out pretty much whenever.

Ems is a nickname that Ems loves to be called.

I AM SO HYPER. Just realized I wrote "one of the first free" instead of "one of the first three" on number 4 of my first paragraph. Fixed it like a boss.

I liked my crush's "lms for facebook wife" status. Waiting for a response. *crosses fingers* WISH ME LUCK.

I'm blogging about really stupid stuff, but I'm overdue and what the harpies else do you think me to do when I'm going insane? THIS YOUNG GIRL'S GOIN INSANE. TELL ME THAT YOU'RE SINGLE AND YOU'RE WAITIN FOR MEHH.

Oh boy. You know something's wrong when I start singing a Cody Simpson song.

Love all you gorgeous nobodies! *blows kisses*

~The Wonderfully Caffeinated Ems
October 15th, 2012 at 04:36am