My Birthday and The Concert

So, tomorrow Tuesday October 16th is my birthday. I'll be 16. That's really not even the part I'm all that excited about, turning 16 I mean. The part I am absolutely ecstatic about is that my birthday present was 2 tickets to the Pierce The Veil Collide With The Sky tour. Well, actually the present was one ticket, because I paid for one with my own money.

On the tour there are four amazing bands: Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Tonight Alive, Hands Like Houses. I've never really listened to Hands Like Houses though so after this blog I need to listen to some of their music and clean my room.

My friend Lynsey did scare me a bit, because last week she was like, "I think band people have to go somewhere on Tuesday." My friend Caitlin, the one I'm taking, is in band. Come to find out Lynsey thought that this coming Tuesday was the 23rd -_-

This is actually the first time I've ever had to go to school on my birthday. It's always been either on Fall Break or on a weekend. This is quite possibly the birthday I've been most excited about in all my life. This is actually really my first concert. There was one I went to before, but I didn't wanna go and we couldn't even see the stage at all. I don't count it.

I know tomorrow my Facebook is gonna be blown up with "Happy Birthday" posts, but honestly I don't mind. I like people telling me "Happy Birthday."

I'll post a blog after the concert to fill you in on how amazing it was. Hopefully I get a shirt there too. :)

When is your birthday? :)
October 16th, 2012 at 12:21am