Regarding All My Stories; Schedule

So let's start from the beginning, shall we?

I was looking through some documents on my computer when I saw a particular one, one that made my heart leap a beat and get all fuzzy inside my ribcage. It literally made my breath disappear as I clicked on it. I remember so well when I started that story. It'd become the story that would make people know of me. Now the Non Omnis Moriar frenzy has died, but I guess it's ok. I don't know. It just is.

I stopped writing for a while because I got hate mail and I kind of lost my passion for writing after a month here, on Mibba, which I blamed majorly on the hater. Now I know it was an excuse, but I guess that's fine too. I've matured since the beginning of the summer, and it helps me find a hole in my busy senior weekdays to give you guys the things that you missed the most. But you'll have to wait for the updates, something that I'm sorry about. And some days I may go off schedule, but that'd be because I don't feel like writing that particular story, and for that, I'm sorry too.

Mondays: Where the Wild Things Are | He Mele No Lulu

Tuesdays: Please, Don't Go

Wednesdays: The Stars Come Out

Thursdays: A Madman's Wonderland

Weekend: Somewhere

It's not really official, but at least I'm giving you guys what you hoped for. When some stories get done, they won't be replaced. Not, at least, until the season is done, you know how I work, guys. And then I will continue finishing seasons. And when I finish all the seasons, I'll have more to come too. And one-shots. And co-works. Don't worry. I'm not dead. You know that not all of me shall die, as always. But sometimes I shut down, and I'm sorry.

My stories are coming back, starting tomorrow with A Madman's Wonderland.
October 16th, 2012 at 08:29pm