eatin' dry ramen up in here. collegelyfe.

When I was a kid, my parents rarely ever let me eat Ramen noodles because it had so much sodium in it, so it was always this big treat for me when they would let me eat it.

So when they would laugh at me because I would be living off of ramen in college and what not I just looked at them like "are you crazy? That is so awesome."

I get it now though. It's only so long before stale chips, oreos, and ramen noodles begin to look disgusting.

Healthy food looks so delicious.

I don't know, for anyone who went through/is going through their freshmen year in college, was anything rough?

I haven't seen my family in over 6 months and it sucks, I really miss them.

Anyways, I am currently trying to get something done for a contest deadline on friday and I'm barely making a dent. So I would love for someone to talk to me.
October 17th, 2012 at 03:06am