For You Quizillians

Can you remember what you used to read on Quizilla? I can.

I've been searching for all the things that I used to read and I'm going to post the ink to the first chapter (which I have read) here and say what I think about it (BTW I'm just putting the types of stories I read not the actual ones (unless I come across them)). I also used to love these stories and thought they were amazing when I first started reading them.

Kill.All.Your.Friends - (05/24/2009)
Back then I remember seeing a lot of vampire stories (because of crappy Twilight) so the over-used 'A VAMPIRE HAS KIDNAPPED ME!' is understandable. I thought the chapter was too fast-paced, too much was going on all at once (kind of like mine (I AM FIXING IT!)) I like how it was trying to end on a cliff hanger, but I think you shouldn't use them on your first chapter. Also I liked how you almost given an introduction to the MFC (main female character for those who don't know) so that could have been worked on)

Vampire4ever11 - (11/01/2009) I really didn't like this one, it was boring, cliche and had no spaces or paragraphs my head went KABOOM (I tend to say/write things like that (then explain why and go off on random tangents sorry in advance))! I didn't understand why this girl (the MFC) didn't try to run away/attack/scream/cry when she was being kidnapped, and then not freak out when this strange person who claims he can read people's minds kisses her, instead she kisses back! WHY?

I really don't want to do anymore (plus I can't remember any more except those cool little quiz ones...they were cool ( <------FOUND ONE!))

So that was what I used to search on Quizilla...if you can remember some post the link in the down-below (there is no down arrow =( WHY IS THERE NO DOWN ARROW?!!??!?!?) and feel free to read them ^^^^^^^^^^^


P.S. I just imagined myself being Charlieissocoollike from youtube when I wrote that last paragraph and the goodbye...
October 17th, 2012 at 11:38pm