Quarterlife Crisis (yes they exist!)

People always talk about having a midlife crisis right? Well mine is happening a tad bit early…like 20 years too early. Basically, I just started my freshmen year of college and I have already gained the dreaded freshmen fifteen. Things could be worse I suppose. I mean I could still be stuck at home; at least here I have…erm distractions. But seriously let’s be honest making friends, especially of the male variety, is difficult when: one you are not confident with yourself and two when people don’t know your personality they rely on looks for first impressions. I went to health services today and discovered that my weight is not where I want it and my confidence subsequently plummeted. To combat this I want to lose weight, I know very original right?
Now I should clarify that no size exists that is universally beautiful, but for me I know that I want to lose a bit of weight, stress on the bit part. So in this blog I will share my thoughts and feelings while I attempt to lose twenty pounds. My goal is not to preach or put myself on a pedestal I know that I am in no position to do that. I can promise you that I will fall off the wagon and I will embarrass the hell out of myself. The only thing I’m asking from you, that is if anyone reads this, is to be my police. Comment on my ramblings whether they are critiques or words of support, although words of encouragement are preferred and make me accountable. I don’t claim to be an expert on…well anything, but hopefully we can all laugh on this journey together.
Basically, my workout will consist of cardio and core routines. I will work out in the mornings go to class, do some work and hopefully write every night. Fair warning I am not positive what word vomit might come to mind while I’m writing my daily posts, but with any luck it will be entertaining for you all. Maybe sometimes it will be inspirational. Who am I kidding…I’ll just shoot for entertaining. So basically I hope that you will join me on this adventure in any capacity that you want, prayers or offerings to pagan gods on my behalf are always appreciated. Seriously though I want to live a healthier life and hopefully this will help me accomplish that…so until tomorrow have a great day and eat a cookie for me ;)
October 18th, 2012 at 03:58am