A Story of Blood, Sword and Feathers

I'm back once more to just talk about how things are going. The main topic of this blog, maybe the only, we'll see how it goes, will be the webstory I'm currently writing, due to start being posted on the 1st of December.

If you're wondering about the title of the blog, then it's because it embodies some of the attributes the story will have. I know I said there was a possibility of magic, but at this stage I believe that there will be none. No, instead you'll be greeted with battle, the clash of blades, the flap of feathery wings, the thud of feet upon the battlefield, the cries of anguish, pain, death, of those caught up in this conflict.

My story, War on the Wind, brings to you the bloody battles between Human's and a foe that will be familiar, yet unfamiliar to all of you, if only for the appendages that grow from their backs (I will not reveal the names as of yet). You'll be joining Robert and his squad, as they face the challenges of this world, the pain of loss, and the ever increasing pride that comes with being in the company of fellow warrior's.

If you like battle... If you like medieval battle... If you like medieval battle in a slightly different fashion... then you should anticipate the coming of this story, for it will not let you down. Of course, this is only the my opinion. You'll have to take a dive into the descriptive text, the burst of imagination, to judge for yourself.

I will be keeping everyone up to date on how things are progressing, and also will reveal a character or two. I'm also thinking of releasing the blurb before 1st December, so obviously those who read it and have an interest, will then come back to have a look at the actual story. It's just a way to kindle interest I suppose, isn't it?

I'm looking forwards to releasing it. Are YOU looking forwards to reading it?
October 18th, 2012 at 09:00pm