I'm actually...happy?

I know, right? For the first time in a very long time, I am actually genuinely happy. If any of you read my blogs about my dance teacher, you would know that I was having some issues with her and then we seemed to resolve the issue by having me take the advanced class for the first month. So, I go up to her this week after ballet and asked her when I should decide which class I wanted to drop since I can't afford to pay for four classes. To my surprise, she tells me to give it another month. Well, okay. So then, yesterday as I'm walking out of school, I get a message on facebook. It's my dance teacher. She tells me that my advanced class is only going to be a technique class and there won't be a group dance in our annual recital. She tells me to continue to take it for no charge.

No charge.

I'm sorry, did I read that correctly? Yes, I did. I was so shocked that she was actually letting me take a class for free. I couldn't believe it. I've worked hard and been her student for ten years and it's finally all paying off! I get to take my usual three classes and an extra fourth class for free! I'm just so happy and I had to get all my feelings out somewhere. I don't even care if people read this. I just had to let the world know somehow that I'm finally actually happy.
October 20th, 2012 at 03:54am