Coffee, Late Night Activities, and Morbid Security Systems

So my church held a youth rally last night. Food + preaching + games, and then basketball + volleyball + gameroom stuff until midnight at the rec, and then absolutely zero sleep back at the church till morning. Then we hauled everyone over to the mall in like three cars, and stopped only a bit to get some really expensive coffee and play a purple piano on Main Street.

Zero sleep. Zero sleep. Zero sleep.

I went home around 1:00pm and crashed from 1:30-3:45, but I swear I have developed a permanent stare. I literally have to force myself to blink. Two hours is not enough for this little sucker.

Not to mention I've had more coffee in the past two days than I've had in a whole month. I'm so dehydrated, but I don't have the self-control to drink water instead of coffee, because water doesn't help keep me awake at all. So I've got a killer headache. Woo.

Really though, the rally was a blast. I didn't really eat, but everyone else had hotdogs and nachos. I was too pre-rally-adrenaline-rushed to eat, so instead I kind of wandered around popping balloons and talking to everyone and stomping my heels rather painfully for reasons I do not remember.

Then there was arm-wrestling competitions, which were pretty poker face to watch because none of the guys who got to the top 4 were, yknow, COOL. And then sword drills. Which I bombed, and was pretty ticked about until the guest speaker broke the ice with some hilarious airport stories. Airport stories are the best.

Once everyone finally got to the rec, we tromped down to the gymnasium and I started playing knockout. I did horribly, and my hair was falling apart, but it was fun nontheless. And some 18-19 year old guy was totally creeping on me THE ENTIRE TIME, and my best friends deserted me for a full 5 minutes ALONE WITH HIM (how nice of them -_-).

But I met some cool people (well really only one, but I said hi to everybody whether I knew them or not, because that's what friendly people do and Ems is a friendly person), and I started getting some great three-point swishes around 11:30pm.

My best chika spilled 1/3 of my Monster all over the gym floor, which I mostly teased her about because the paper towels were like a whole football field away. The thing was wrecking my stomach anyway.

Back at the church, my youth pastor actually decided to be lenient and let the guys and girls play some games & eat together. So from 12:30-2something, we ate desserts, played Dutch Blitz & pingpong & Salad Bowl (but not me, because I was too busy whipping everyone at Dutch Blitz), and then sang a bunch of songs.

This kid Austin blew my eardrum with one of those little squeaker horns? And I almost stabbed him with my pen because it totally freaked me out. I was very jumpy that night.

When we finally split off into separate wings, the girls were already so hyper that all we needed was a mattress and some sleeping bags and we started sliding down the halls screaming Christmas carols at the top of our lungs and giggling our heads off. Wow. The things you do at 3am, smh.

Everything calmed down around 4, but me and my bestie decided what the crap with it, because if we slept we'd be even more tired in the morning. So we stupidly chose to stay up all freaking night.

We have some stories, too. And the flipping guys snuck out! They texted us a picture of them posing with a statue at the lake over 5 blocks away. Which I got pretty mad about, because me and Anna were SERIOUSLY considering going outside to watch the sunrise but were afraid of getting yelled at.

So, about 20 minutes before we were supposed to get up, I heard someone coming down the hall, and me and Anna dove into our sleeping bags to act asleep. And the moment my head hit the pillow (it had to have been around 7:45ish) I didn't want to get up. And then I knew--I was going to be a grumpy mess.

Foghorn blew down the hallways, and Abby (lol) yelled "SHUT UP" to it. Grumpy Mess grumbled while yanking on some clothes and going to brutally attack her hair in attempt to tame it. I wore my hello kitty slippers down to the dining hall for breakfast, which was poptarts and cereal, I think. I ate one poptart and drank a really nasty mocha, and forced myself to run outside 3 or 4 times to wake myself up.

It didn't work, but it improved my mood. I really don't like crowds, yknow? And it was so stuffy in the building, everyone shoved around the tables so EARLY IN THE MORNING, and it was cold outside. I love the cold.

So I played some catch with David, Matt, and the football for a while. I sucked, but I was too tired to care. And I honestly didn't feel like changing out of my slippers, so they had to deal with a stationary Ems.

Then Anna's mom came, and instead of picking up her crew and leaving, she generously decided to take us all shopping. Woo for her! I was still in a grouchy mood here, but over time it improved. Particularly when I was sitting outside the expensive coffee shop, arms draped over a metal chair, staring up at the mysterious pokey things sticking out of every inch of the building. Someone suggested it was some kind of elaborate security system so anyone who tried to break in from the top would get sliced up, and that cheered me up. Weird ideas cheer me up.

At the mall I basically stumbled around behind everyone and sat on the benches. The best part was in the shoe store, because everyone just adores my feet (they're size 2 in boys, 3ish in girls, and 5ish in womens), and they all gush about them. Found some really stylish boots, but the 3s were too big and the 2s were too tight. WHY?~! Whatever, I was broke anyway.

Then we had to go back and drop everyone off. This was the sad part. I had to sideways-crash-hug my best friend (and he did it when we were walking, and since he's like, a whole foot taller than me, one of his strides equals two of mine, which means when he put his arm around me I tripped over my own feet) and then tell everyone goodbye. :( I didn't like this part.

BUT THEN I WENT HOME AND SLEPT. And now I'm trying to keep myself awake until tonight so I can sleep some more. Tomorrow is French homework. BLEHGLKHGJHGH.

Zombie Ems has left the building.
October 20th, 2012 at 11:24pm