One Shots and Just Writing in General.

Ughhhhhh! I hate the fact that I haven't quite grasped the technique of writing a quality one shot! It seriously drives me crazy! You would honestly believe that I would be able to write a one shot with no problem, but no. I feel as if they should be so much easier than writing an entire story because HELLO it's shorter! But no it is so much harder for me. I get the idea and I just never know/how to really stop. They end up not being very intelligent and a complete mess.

I sometimes just write while I'm thinking, and that's why my dialog or writing in general seems to have so much emotion or to be real or maybe not. Maybe that's why I have to rewrite some chapter 800 times! It makes me so mad when I can't get my thoughts out! So maybe this is why I can't write a good one shot. I have way too many thoughts and ideas? I'm not sure.

I have this friend on there though, chasing carousels;, and she is a marvelous writer. She told me she wrote 3 one shots today so I read one so far and started writing this. OHMYGOODNESS! She is so freaking amazing. I seriously wish I could write as well as her. She is one of the most talented writers I have ever spoken to!

I have honestly only cried, and I mean really cried, over two books: The Outsiders and hers. Like she is really good and it drives me crazy because I am so mediocre compared to her. I really wish I could just write 3 one shots in one day, but no that will probably never happen.

I mean she isn't the only one either. There are tons of other authors on here too that are incredible as well, but I'm just not recalling their names at the moment. Anyways, the point is I wish I was a better writer and I could write a proper one shot. Point, blank, period.
October 21st, 2012 at 02:53am