Loving him was red.

Oh my goodness, lordy oh lordy.
Taylor Swift is my absolute idol, you guys. And the fact that her newest album is now being released in just two days is killing me.
I haven't listened or looked out for leaks of Red. I know the track listings, the singles and nothing else. I want to be completely surprised by everything else Taylor has to offer in this album.
A lot of people have complained how her songs are now too "pop" and "dubstep," most especially towards We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together and I Knew You Were Trouble., but I just think it's all experimentation. She's growing up, and the fans are too.
Can I just scream, though?! I mean, I love love love Red's singles already.
I need the album in my hands.
And a new album, means a new tour. Which means even more fangirling.
I'm so so so excited you guys. I really am. Who else is? Let us freak out together.


I'm sick sick sick. Food poisoning really sucks. Thanks Taco Bell.
On a positive note, I have been feeling more content lately.
I still have a lot of stressful things going on, but with newly found friendships and rekindled ones too, I have felt the weight slowly lighten on my shoulders. It's great.

College applications are rough. And with the fact that I just finished my very last spirit week and homecoming at school is just... Saddening.
I'm growing up, and it slightly sucks.

Speaking of school, I finally decided on a senior quote. I feel like it sums my entire way of thinking up.
It's this:

"Don't tell me our youth is running out, it's only just begun."

I absolutely love it, what do you think?

So One Direction is on the cover of Seventeen Magazine this month. My only complaint? I wish they had some more. For each and every member, it was a quick read. And I read quickly, but this was seriously a very very very quick read. Oh well. Still love it.

I'm watching My Fair Wedding and I want to get married so badly. Just the whole fantasy of wearing a dress and being with someone I love is heaven to me.

Here's to a sick weekend, and hopefully a healthier week. Love you all!

PS: Look out for some new stories, and updates, soon. It's Autumn now, so it's stimulating my inspirations for writing. The outdoors are lovely. Sweaters, cider, fires oh my. :)
October 21st, 2012 at 04:56am