Damn. It. All. To. Hell. (I am so screwed)

I'm seriously hoping this is a passing thing. Let me start at the beginning, so as not to confuse anyone.

So, I got a new job (finally) a couple months ago; nothing major, just wait staff at a cafe. Anyways, one of my managers (Miriam, who is 27 and decidedly gorgeous) always talks to me about her love life (and life in general, really, but her love life has been at the forefront of her mind lately); keeping this short, I'll say she has a son (he's about four or five), is dating a guy long-distance, and has a friend (Bryce, who is hot) who is really into her.

Well, she's been having problems with her boyfriend lately, and she's also starting to think she might have feelings for Bryce (her words were something along the lines of 'I'm growing fond of him.'). No big deal, complicated for sure, but whatever, right?

So, Bryce comes into work all the time, and I've seen him a lot, though we've never really talked.

Until today.

So, Miriam and I went out for lunch, just hanging out and what-not, and she wanted advice on what to make for dinner at Bryce's house (she's there a lot), so I volunteered to help/cook (I made an Alfredo sauce from scratch to go with store-bought chicken & four cheese ravioli, if you're curious) and so obviously I was at his house. Miriam said I could stay and hang out (yes, she asked Bryce's permission for me to come over) and I hate being at home, so I was like, alright sure whatever.

So, the three of us (well, four, Miriam's son had been with us all day) hung out, and it turns out Bryce and I are very similar and have a lot in common. And he's a nice guy, sarcastic (like me), good taste in movies, music, clothes, etc. and we had a ton great conversations. Did I mention he's hot?

So, now, the crux of the problem (if you haven't already figured it out): I totally have a crush on him!

I'm really hoping it's just a passing crush, one of those "you're-hot-and-we-have-a-lot-in-common-and-we-just-met" kinds of crushes, because if I end up with feelings for this guy, I'm TOTALLY screwed. This situation is way too fucking complicated, and I feel so awkward right now. -sigh- I'm so confused.

Well, now that it's off my mind (well, not off of it, seeing as I'm still thinking about it, but I mean like, now that I've gotten it out) hopefully I can sleep.

Good morning/afternoon/night to you all.
October 22nd, 2012 at 10:21am