Am I crazy for sticking around?

Truth is, that question is hypothetical. I realize I am crazy, just out right insane for staying with my boyfriend. After all the things he has done to me, all the ways he has hurt me. I'm talking strictly emotional, he has never and will never lay a hand on me in malice. However, I have a real question, for everyone; would you have stuck around also?

Here is what happened:

1. He cheated on me with a girl named Michelle. Now this was all fine and dandy, only because this was the first week of us dating. I didn't care, and since I was cheating on him also, we decided to start fresh.

2. He flirted with another bitch! My boyfriend's best friend, Joseph, had a girlfriend named Alicia. On my boyfriend's 20th birthday, we had decided that us four will spend the day together and just chill. Joseph and my boyfriend go outside to smoke while me and Alicia stay inside, we start talking. I tell her all about how I wasn't really hurt when my boyfriend cheated on me but if he was to cheat on me now I would be crushed. We talked extensively on the topic of cheating and how much we loved our boyfriends. Next week later, I read my boyfriend's facebook messages (yes, I know, bad Ann! You don't read your boyfriend messages, that's a no-no! But I did anyway...). He had been messaging Alicia, and in those messages contented cute little messages confessing their attraction to one another. Now, I am not one to hate but Alicia is completely UGLY. I confront my boyfriend about it, and I was faced with his uncaring, nonchalant attitude. Giving me the illusion that he just didn't give a fuck. But I still stayed... never told Joseph...

3. HE CONTINUED TO TALK TO ALICIA! Now, sure he isn't cheating, but come-on. I felt like I had no respect. Only now, their messages took a whole new step; he had asked her out. When confronting my boyfriend for the second time about this, he told me that he enjoyed the attention and it makes him feel good. However, he had no actual feelings for her. I told him to stop talking to her, and I was met with a false promise and lies. But, that's not all. The part that hurt the most, is at night when I was cuddling into him, I began to cry my eyes out. No, he didn't comfort me; instead he pushed me off and told me not to cry on him. So that night and several nights after I cried myself to sleep.

4. AND HE STILL KEPT TALKING TO HER! At this point, I sound pathetic for not leaving his ass. But I love him, I am head over heels for him. Sorry, love makes me blind. Moving on, this time I was not playing around anymore. I told him to stop talking to her or I will tell Joseph. He begged and pleaded for me not to tell Joseph (apparently he cares about Joseph more than me). Anyway, I told him I was going to talk to Alicia. So I did, I blackmailed her, told her if she talked to my boyfriend again then I will show her boyfriend the messages between her and my boyfriend. That worked, for the whole day, until she decided that she would tell Joseph so he can break up with her and she would be free to go after my boyfriend. But, my boyfriend said he will stay with me because he wants to.

5. The day we go to Joseph's house. Joseph confesses that he likes me, more than just a friend. What my boyfriend think's of this? He figures it's a great idea to share me! Like a piece of freaking meat. He figures that since he stole Joseph's girlfriend then sharing his girlfriend would make up for that. But I went along with it, because Joseph is a sweetheart, he treats me right. However, I didn't feel anything for him like I do for my boyfriend. Later, that night my boyfriend decides he doesn't want to share me anymore and that he will start to treat me right.

6. He starts talking to his ex. He begins to talk to his ex-girlfriend Kel again. And not just talk but tell her how much he wants to bang her again. Not only that, but Kel has his son.

So, would you guys have stayed? Let's be honest, most of you guys would say no but I want to tell you guys the results. Ever since then, he hasn't hurt me at all. He has been treating me like a princess. I feel as if I just passed a test and now I get the perfect boyfriend every girl dreams of. What would you guys put up with for love?
October 22nd, 2012 at 11:54pm