Chasing Cars' Candy Bowl(:

I've never done one of these before, but hopefully it will go smoothly. I just want to give rewards to the darlings at Mibba. Let's get started shall we?

Kit-Kat Bar- I will be giving away 3 one-shots. They will be about Jonas Brothers, One Direction, Tom Daley, Jack and Finn Harris, or whatever your fangirl heart would like. I would LOVE to do One Direction or Jonas Brothers though. Please give me a little on the OC and the general idea of how you want it to go please. Again, I am only giving away 3 as of now. I will try to get them to you as soon as I can.

Maoam- I will comment on a story of your choice. Please keep in mind that if it is really long I may not read all of it. I will try my best to give a good comment. The format will most likely be by chapter. I will do as many of these as I can(:

Candy Sticks- I will be doing recommendations for stories. This is unlimited and will be on any story you would like.

Werther's Original- I will be doing recommendations for users as well. This is also unlimited.

Nerds- A friend request. This is also unlimited. I will make sure to comment or message you so we can actually become friends(:

Alright, that's all I have for now. Please have a fun and safe Halloween, and don't forget to say Trick-Or-Treat.
October 24th, 2012 at 01:17am