
I struggle with societies standards of education on a daily basis. You see, I dropped out of high school my senior year because I didn't have enough credits to graduate, and I was a rebellious child with no direction so what did I do? I gave up. I could have graduated if I had my head on correctly but sadly, I did not. I'm not necessarily regretting this decision, I'm just disappointed in the way that people think of education in the world. We have all of this technology that does all of our thinking for us. Our cellphones have auto correct, our computers, our tablets and kindles and every piece of whatever that we use to type on has the auto correct feature, and spell check. We no longer have to know how to spell, or use proper grammar. With that being said, we have so many different types of calculators and shit that does our math for us. When I was a cashier, I never had to do any math what so ever in my head unless I hit the wrong key on the cash register. The truth is, with all of this technology thinking for us, our brains aren't working thus, creating more stupidity. If we aren't forced to work out problems and use our brains to their potential, there's no use in trying to get an education. If you have to use your brain in school when there's all of this technology in the real world, why spend that effort and time when you know you're just going to fail anyway? Not to mention these jobs that require little to no effort and intelligence.
We all know that it does't take a doctor to run a cash register, become a manager, or stock a shelf. Hell, it doesn't take a doctor to work in a factory either. Factories pay really well, and they require absolutely no education and no training. They'll train you on the spot and then you're ready to go. Managers get trained once they've gotten the job. I can't do any math above the basics and I want to pursue my GED and go to college. The fact that I haven't HAD to use my brain or do any math for like three years is really sad. None of my jobs have required ANY bit of my own knowledge of math. I don't really have a point I'm just pissed that the math on the GED tests are far above what it should be. It's far harder than just one plus one or three divided by so and so. I don't fucking understand why we need the entire alphabet to do MATH! I know that it's very useful in science and all of that but, I don't want a career in science. Why do I need to know Geometry and calculus and algebra 2 3 4 and 5 to get a degree in English!!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I'm not okay with that.
I'm about to just home college educate myself lol. I know that won't do a bit of good when I'm trying to apply for a job because everyone wants a fucking certificate and a degree and a piece of crappy ass paper to PROVE that you're smart.

I'm about to teach myself French, read a bunch of books on different subjects and write myself a college degree paper.
I studies at the university of MYSELF mother fucker.
October 24th, 2012 at 01:36am