Very first blog, looking for NaNo buddies, midterms suck, and a new puppy :)

Hiya guys!

I'm sure there aren't a whole lot of people that know me on here as I haven't been too active lately. I used to be Suhweet Tooth and then I switched to Dandelion when New Mibba came about as a fresh start sort of thing. But yeah. I'm Barnabas Collins for Halloween 'cause Dark Shadows is awesome... 'nuff said, haha.

As sort of a way to get back into Mibba and all of its awesomeness, I figured I'd try out blogging. I'm a very long winded person so you can expect lots and lots of rambling.

Right now I'm in the middle of midterms. Accounting and other business stuff I don't really have a whole lot of interest in... school is school, though. I only have one left to go, so today I procrastinate. I've been watching a show on Netflix called 'Three Rivers' simply because Alex O'Loughlin is in it and I freaking love Alex O'Loughlin. This show... I wouldn't recommend watching it unless, like me, you have an extreme love for one of its cast members. The character development is just... nada. It feels as if the episodes are out of order because the plot is all over the place. Main characters actually go missing for several episodes... yeah. Nuh uh.

Next up is Nanowrimo. This will be my fourth year participating and I've never had any buddies to do it with, so I'm looking toward my Mibba friends :) This year I've decided to be a rebel and simply continue working on some things I haven't posted on here, simply to get them out of the way. If anyone's interested, drop a comment or send me a message!

One last, adorable thing.


This is my new puppy, Pip. She is a Chinese Crested and the sweetest little thing on the planet. She's mostly hairless and hypo-allergenic, which is good for my family because there are some allergies in the house. She's eleven weeks old and I've had her since last weekend. I've never had a dog take as much of a liking toward me as Pip has. It's safe to say she's my new best friend.

I suppose this abruptly concludes my very first long-winded, rambling blog entry. I'm an idiot in regards to coding... just a warning. I may have to come back and edit this. Anyway, I hope you guys get some sort of entertainment out of this haha :)

October 24th, 2012 at 09:43pm