Happy Chazly! / Username change? / Still got a headache.

So when I take the right amount of pain killers, two things can happen to me, and not all in a very good and responsible way I guess...
One: The headache after 2 hours, is still there.
Two: I want to take more due to the headache not going.
Which of course, both are very annoying and very highly intoxicatingly barbaric to my frame of mind at the depressed age of 16. But too be honest with you, I have taken so many different legal prescribed medication, all of which taken with no care of whether it harms me or not. That no prescriptive medication works unless I take more than they give me per dosage. Which sucks.
Second of all, in my weird ass life, I have been predominantly happy recently. Which might be because I am attending a 'Shinedown' concert tomorrow at 7.30 PM UK time. Me Gusta.
Which means people, that 'Enemies' will not be updated tomorrow like I think it is planned, though half of it is written already, I obviously cannot do it tomorrow, due to concert and college. *shrugs* yeah.
And another thing I would like to address to you lovely group of people, in a probable very mature question that you can ask on here. Should I change my Username?
Wait... I am not being mature, i don't want to be mature... I AM CHANGING THY USERNAME!!! Yeah... O.O
From 10.50 UK time, I will now be known on here as. ChazlySilver.
Reasons on 'Why@ I am using that name... Well Children....
Everyone either calls me Chaz or Chazly in my group of friends, I like the name Chazly better. It sounds more like me, I guess. And Silver is my favorite metal. Silver. Mmmm.
So yeah, that's happening.
*peace* Chazly :3
October 24th, 2012 at 11:46pm