Ten tips for writing a fan fiction.

10) Try not to over think about a certain part, work on a different scene and maybe you’ll get more ideas.
9) Maybe use real events to help get the emotions out. If you know what the emotion feels like, you can explain it. If you can’t it’s probably best you don’t try.
8) Sleep, maybe a dream will give you a good idea.
7) Go for a walk.
6) Read a book.
5) Look up the basics about what you’re writing, you’ll be surprised how many people don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.
4) Read other people’s fan fictions for ideas. Don’t steal, just read. You’ll be surprised by how many people copy other people’s fan fiction ideas and say they’re their own.
3) Listen to music that helps with the scene you’re writing. Soft - sad Fast - Aggressive.
2) Watch shows/films/ fan vids to whatever it is you’re writing about
1) Have a plot. Loads of people want to write a story without having a plot. If you do that, your story will get messed up and you won’t know where you’re going with it.

Another tip from a comment I got;
Look up websites for the subject of your fanfic in case you need a reference or you get stuck.
October 25th, 2012 at 07:57am