I'm stupid to the max... (about Bearded dragons ;p)

today i went to check on my bearded dragon, he usually greets me up at the glass, swishing back and fourth clawing at the invisible force feild that held him away from me and the food. Today was different (._.).... he sat there with his eyes half open, his body looking starved, his once fat head now looked deflated, his plump tail now had indents. i litteraly dropped the fresh greens, opened up the tank and brought up his body and layed his body on my chest. I swear if i didn't see his stomache moving up and down (breathing) or his eyes keep opening and closing, i would of sworn my little beardie was dead... I started to panic, i moved his arms hoping he would retract them like he normally does, nothing... i petted a spot on his tail that he would usually respond to instantly (it doesn't hurt him, it just tickles him) and again nothing, i contuinued to pet him, my hands tracing every scale on his back, he closed his eyes, and once again he went into that death like state. i took him to my room layed down with him, his head comfortably placed on my boob (lol it made the perfect pillow XD) i searched what could possibly be wrong with him. My mind went hysterical, i began to feel tears streaming down my face, it felt dramatic, but i think a person would be a little less on the sane side after JUST losing a pet in the previous 2 weeks. My irrational fears were starting to take over, i thought about my cat, the same cat that i've had since i was only 5, he had the same symtoms, no eating, barley moving, just no stregnth to fight on in life anymore, and now this was happening to my beardie?! My cat just died of cancer (we put him down, to end the misery... i still should appolgize to that little girl and her rabbit... i only ran out of the vet hospital with swollen eyes, and slammed the glass door), now my beardie was acting the same? nearly looked the same (the same starving structure). for some reason something from years ago; when i was still in the process of getting a bearded dragon, i remembered the research i did.. something about hibernation.. it rang in my mind.. for some stupid reason i found myself on youtube where i watched a guy talk about his beardie... his beardie had all the same symptoms, he explained furthur.. my little beardie.. put me through so much distress.. just for me to find out that he was going through what they called "brumation" fancy term for hibernation -_-, they'll go through this for 3-7 weeks, sometimes longer, the reason why they do this?? well one it's because of the weather, and the 2nd... he's becoming 'sexually mature'.. i appolgize that i sound like a moron, i feel like one... hes now sleeping on his favorite pillow sheet, outta the basking light, and outta his crazy mothers hands... i swear.. when he wakes up i'm gonna KILL HIM!!!! XD
October 25th, 2012 at 08:08am