Happy Mibba Halloween! [1 Week Till NaNoWriMo + Counting]

Happy [early] Mibba Halloween, Everyone!

This is the first year that I will be participating in Mibba Halloween and I couldn't be more excited!
No, really.
I thought for a really long time about what I would be for Mibba Halloween. At first, I thought I'd just be what I was being for actual Halloween. [Please direct your attention to the adorable image below.]

I'm being Misty for Halloween. I'll definitely have to upload pictures of my costume, once I'm finished.

But anyway.

I know now who I'm being for Mibba Halloween.


I'm being Elphaba Thropp, from Wicked.

I think she's definitely one of my favorite characters in all of literature. Iloveher. Yep.

But Onto the Candy Bowl!

Twizzlers - a comment on one of your poems
Whoppers - a comment/review on one of your stories (10 chapters or less)
Skittles - a recommendation of your profile
Reese's Cups - a story/RP/character banner
Laffy Taffy - a Halloween-themed one-shot dedicated to you

Don't be greedy.
Take only one.

Note #1: In regards to my banners, let me just say that they are pretty average. You can see examples here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Note #2: In regards to one-shots, I am willing to do some fandoms. Here is a list:
- Harry Potter
- Vampire Diaries
- True Blood
- My Chemical Romance (no other musicians, sorry)
- Batman/Joker/Any other character in the Batman series
- Spiderman
- Hellboy
- X-Men
- Most other superheroes, just ask. :-)
- That's all I can recall currently. If you want something else, just leave a comment on this blog asking if I'll do it.

And now on a completely unrelated note...

Who's excited for NaNoWriMo this year? Who's participating?
I am, for sure.
I failed miserably last year, so this year I'm going to kick NaNo's ass.
I have my story mostly planned out for it.
It's called Anchorage.
It's going to be a coming-of-age novel about a fifteen-year-old girl named Belinda. But you can read more in the story summary about it.

If any of you guys are participating in NaNo this year, leave a comment saying what story you're working on, if you've done NaNo before, if you've won before, etc. etc. And if you have a summary up on Mibba and you'd like to link me to it, I'll for sure check it out.

Thanks for reading, everyone!


- Isis
October 25th, 2012 at 11:38pm