History to a present?

So as a bit of another introduction of myself, i'd like to explain a very important part of my life thats been happening for three years now.
I used to live in ______ (sorry there be monsters out there) when i was in 6th grade . At that point i was a very happy ALMOST NORMAL girl...I was motivated and i began to write my manga's and comics, i had plenty of readers really, until the point where my father told me we were to move away...far away...I was crushed. I couldn't believe it was real and i didn't want to believe it. I remember walking home one day and seeing my lovely home empty. Completely empty. I couldn't stop crying. My parents, i'm not sure what they did about it much. Once we started moving, i noticed that i moved to a very small town which i used to live in when i was about 2 or 3. This place was tiny. There was no chapters or bookstores, There was no future shop, there wasn't many great restaurants, it was a small town. The complete opposite of where i used to live! Most of that summer i would be alone, in a bad mood and most of the time i'd be messaging my old friends, thinking about each and everyone of them every single day...especially that someone....Anyway, it took me about a year to actually come to like this new place a little. My second year in _______ was way better, i even started to, well, not be shy like i was before!
I became a...hmm...little crazy.
I learned a lot more about who i really am because i moved there. Of course i did still really miss the other place, but i was starting to love this one. At about when that happened and i finally came to a bit of peace with myself, we learned we had to move back to my old place! I was so happy but also very sad. But at least i move back to somewhere i already knew right?
I left out a lot of details. But i’ve written about this so many times i guess i get tired! Anyway, this brings me to where i am now.
Its weird when i think about it. Comparing myself to the person i was 3 years ago is pretty odd. Its like i’m a complete different person. Inside of course. To some people i haven't changed a bit! Well they can think what they want i don't mind. But i have a complete different opinion. I have changed, Positively and negatively,maybe it depends on how i show it... But should i really get into that now?
So heres mostly my present story this year:
I left as a shy....less crazy person...less deep, less a lot of things...I was a girl who didn't know who she was....Now i return, As a little more of everything, And i DO know who i am now, unlike before! I am the girl that does not know who she is! Thats who i am!
I thought so very much over the pass few years...I’ve written so many stories, gone through so many phases of de-motivation and inspiration...Met so many amazing people. That, some without knowing it, have changed my life forever. They have knocked me back to my senses...my odd senses.... And I am grateful for that. I don't make enemies, there are of course some days when people get me a little irritated sure, but i don't want to ever look at the bad things in people. Thats something i learned.
Everybody can do something amazing, its just the way to get there isn't it?
I think thats the reason I moved when I think about it. I wouldn't have looked that way a few years ago.
Hahahaha I’m ranting! Well you are probably very quite confused after reading that, but if it entertained you i guess i did a good job! But to be true, it just feels good to write this down. And maybe even better to release it.
I find it hard to show who i am all the time. I change all the time with my mood and ambience...Its hard to explain my actual thoughts in real life, but when its on paper, or typing, it somehow seems easier. And it feels great to get these things off your chest.
Anywho theres a confusing rant!
October 27th, 2012 at 07:01pm