Halloween is Coming Up and I'm Thinking of Some Scary! and Candy

Something I do for a hangover is: I buy candy. It doesn't cure it, but for some reason it helps. Any other time I don't crave candy or anything sweet. It's the only time I eat a lot too. If I stopped drinking, I'd probably stop eating on Saturdays, but oh well. So, candy and a six pack of budweiser is my "cure". I usually just end up drunk again and on a sugar high. Sour candy is my favorite.
This Halloween I hope to get a lot of candy...from a store. I'm going to decorate my house, but not answer the door when kids come trick or treating. I'm just going to eat it all.
I want Halloween to come!
I'm hungover and I want candy. And I have no fucking candy.
This Halloween I also want to go see a movie, possibly "Sinister". I'm so scared though. I do not do well watching scary movies in theatres. I don't scream or cry or anything, but I just get super scared. I'm incredibly grateful I didn't see "Insidious" in theatres. I watched that with my boyfriend at home and I didn't want to go anywhere in the house by myself for a few days. I even made him to come to the bathroom with me a few times when I needed to go.
I get more scared of psychological horror, rather than jump scares. Jump scares freak me out, but psychological scares stick with me at night. I think about me in that position. I do not like slasher or jump scare horror films. Their scares, in my opinion, are not memorable.
An example of a psychological scare is on "Insidious" when she's walking by the window and that thing is dancing to that music. It's not jumping-at-you terrifying, but it makes me think about it afterwards. It sticks in my head when I'm trying to sleep.
That red face that comes up behind his shoulders scared the hell out of me. It scared me because it was in broad daylight when usually things happen at night.
On "It" where that boy is visiting his deceased brothers room and he looks at that photograph of his little brother and it winks at him and starts bleeding. That's scary in itself, but what scared me the most was trying to put myself in his shoes and thinking no one believes me and no one can see what I'm seeing. His parents even come in and they touch the blood, but they can't see it so they don't believe him.
"It" is what makes me still afraid to close my eyes when I'm having a shower.
My favorite horror movies are: The Exorcist, Insidious, and It.
Someone let me know if "Sinister" is any good because my boyfriend really wants to go with me on Halloween.
Also, what are your favorite horror movies and why?
October 27th, 2012 at 11:27pm