Freshman Year of Texas A&M - Texarkana

Semester 1 Schedule

Mondays - Nothing. You could of had College Algebra at 9:30, but life gave it to you as an online course. So, you don't do much Mondays. Wait, 5pm is Zumba.

Tuesday and Thursday -
9:30am - 10:45am is Spanish with Dr. Rincon. You sit next to Morgan. Morgan Wood. She's very nice and she's a Junior. She's very pretty and your stupid self is starting to really care about seeing her. She's the reason you like going to Spanish. You really like her. Pretty is just understating her actually. As I'm writing this, my heart is doing that warming, fluttering shit it likes to do. Also, there's this one girl behind you named Addison, who is just hysterical. She's Texan alright. She's also in Wagy's class. And she's married! She's already married. She looks like she's 22 and she has a husband.

1am - 12:15 pm is History with Dr. Wagy. Mr. Hops-A-Long. He loves to growl and hop when he gets in depth into his lectures. It's pretty funny! Tyler Casanover, Erica Iannone, and Sam are in that class as well! They are the people that make going to Wagy's class necessary. Also, Wagy has an assistant named Katie Jewel. You like looking at her. I don't know why. She has her days where you can tell she wants to dress and days when it is casual. I like her. I really do.

1pm - 2:15pm is Intro it Lit Studies with Dr. Julien. God, Julien is fruitful in his words. He's brilliant and zany. I could write paragraphs on why I like him and his class. I may not understand half the shit we're learning in there but it's still funny to hear his examples of things. Sam's in there too!

Zumba is 7:45 - 8:15 Tuesdays and Thursdays.

1pm - 3:45pm is Intro to Drama with Ms. Hale. I don't understand why it has to be so long for a drama class. Sam, Tyler, and Erica are in there too!

Zumba 5pm - 5:30pm.

Friday - No classes. Ain't that great? Two weekdays of no classes? Sam doesn't have classes either on Fridays. We're very lucky for this.
October 29th, 2012 at 07:30am