homecoming and work and school and FIRE DRILLS AT 11:30 AT NIGHT

Saw everyone went to homecoming and I was jelly, because my homecoming happened super later than everyone's because because.

Anyways because I'm a camera whore here's pictures of me. Did you guys actually know that my university just changed the rule this year that we're allowed to have dances. It was legit like footloose around here because we weren't allowed to dance.


My mom says I have no booty. So I was archn' my back so hard to try to make it look like I had one. sob.

Does anyone else work and go to school? Does anyone understand the mental exhaustion I feel at the end of everyday. The struggle is real.

So my parents are in the north east right now going through hurricane sandy, and thankfully they have really only gotten heavy rain and wind, and even their power has been fluctuating mildly, but they're okay.

So I come home from work last night, exhausted, it's late I need sleep and I have an eight o'clock class in the morning. So I am literally - LITERALLY this close to falling asleep when I hear the fire alarm go off. So at first I was like, fuck no - which idiot decided this was cute because I'm about to cut a bitch.

Then I realize that all of the RA's and the director are super calm and I realize it's a drill and I was so not happy. Not only did I have to shuffle out in the middle of the night in my jammies - but it was freezing. I'm talking about the tit of santa cold.

Not amused.
October 31st, 2012 at 02:48am